Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Snow Day

We got pounded with a foot of snow last night. Braeton and Maren took advantage of it by sledding down our hill. Ashtin thought it was too cold to go outside.


PJAT Doyle said...

WOW! Look at all your snow!
WOW! Look at your new home!
WOW! Look at the river!
WOW! Look how big you guys are!
WOW! Do we miss you!

My favorite part of this video is the "A YAA" at the crash! That made me miss you even more!

Greetings from Montana!

Britt said...

Hope you guys are having a great time in your new home! We really miss Braeton in cub scouts.

Rick & Diana said...

We Miss our neighbors and friends. We hope you had a great Christmas. Love you guys! The McInelly's